Version GF_2010_07_27_1800
New content:[]
- These privileges can now be used on targets in your own country (instead of just in your own city like it was before):
- Torture Prisoner
- Protect Person
- Arrest Someone
- Release Captive
- Guard Building
- Inspect Workshop
- Confiscate Goods
- Bless Person
- Spread Rumours
- Excommunicate Person
- Bless Workshop
- Forgive Sins
- Declare Crusade
- Inquisition trial
- Assassinate
- Storm Prison
- Master Spy
- Brainwash
- Friend, enemy and guild symbols were added in the menu for attacking transports.
- Character profile: next to the title its level is now displayed.
- Election messages: now contain own chance again.
- New achievements for state offices.
- Complete redesign of the production screen.
- Ongoing productions can now be finished prematurely by using jewels.
- The current building condition now affects the production speed.
- The effect of expansions on the production times has been increased.
- You can now activate vacation mode in the settings.
- Guild messages can now be deleted.
- You get 1 action point at the end of the round for each residence level now.
- Offices: The jewel for the feudal lord is now correctly taken into account in your balance overview.
- Offices: The feudal lord’s tooltip now displays the jewel correctly as part of the office income.
- Character profile: A bug that lead to display errors with espionage and other player’s profiles has been fixed.
- Court: A bug was fixed that lead to logouts when opening other players’ character profiles while being in court.
- Carts: A progress bar display error has been fixed.
- Organize coup: an error in the system message at the end of the effect was fixed.
- Guilds: You can’t throw yourself out of your guild anymore.
- Messages: chosen filters stay active even after browsing through different parts of the game.
- Attack transport: the transport’s value is now displayed in the transport overview again.
- Manage carts: the transport’s value is now displayed in the transport overview again.
- Law book: the tool tips of the laws are now displayed again.
- Guilds: a bug that lead to guild leaders not being able to view applications was fixed.
- Host a party: you can’t host parties with yourself as the guest anymore.
- Death: a bug that caused problems when loading the residence while being dead was fixed.
- Fear and terror: this privilege could sometimes not be used, this should now be fixed.
- Guilds: guild messages are not sent to non guild members anymore.