Europe1400 Wiki
Europe1400 Wiki
Group Law Office Evidence Points Costs to Change Duration Cooldown Regulates
Gold (IconGold ) Jewels (IconJewels ) AP (IconActionPoints )
Secular Threat Attorney § 3 Threats
Murder & manslaughter Mayor § 4 Beatdowns and assassinations
Blackmail Treasurer § 3 Blackmail
Sabotage Mayor § 4 Sabotage and attacks made on buildings
Abuse of office Attorney § 2 Abuse of office with office privileges
Kidnapping Mayor § 4 Kidnapping
Theft and robbery Mayor § 4 Theft, burglary, escape and armed robbery
Church Herbs and potions Grand Inquisitor § 2 Using herbs and potions
Using books Chaplain § 2 Using books and scripts.
Witchcraft Grand Inquisitor § 3 Practicing witchcraft and using occult goods
Producing pamphlets Chaplain § 2 Using pamphlets and cheat sheets
Carrying weapons Bishop § 2 Carrying weapons.
Shadow Perfection Supremo § 3 Failures of shadow office privileges
Treason Street Boss § 2 Use of shadow office privileges against other shadow office occupants
Code of honor Criminal Genius § 2 Whether destructive measures taken against the weak and the dead are illegal or not

The evidence (§ ) points listed are the amount incurred when that particular law is broken. To know that a person broke the law you need to have an active spy on them.